I have to laugh at myself sometimes, I try so hard. I knew I had a rough day ahead of me. A day full of housework, deep, down dirty housework. So, how could I make it more fun for me? It started with an apron, the apron I bought in Paris, in a shop across from the Notre Dame. Then I turned on my Febreeze machine. That machine is amazing. It puts into the air scents I never even knew existed, but that make me feel oh so good about life. Get out the cleaning caddy. It's bright blue & stocked with my favorite cleaning supplies. If you're going to clean you might as well do it in style. Turn on music. I was feeling.......Mozart. I had gotten a free CD in the mail so figured it was a great time to try it out. Then I remember Mark mentioning something about flowers outside & I grabbed a pair of scissors & headed out to look for them. Lo & behold, in our very own yard, flowers someone else planted that ended up brightening my day in the most magnificent way. I picked out just the right vase for them out of my collection of pitchers & vases that I treasure & voila! A touch of spring to my housecleaning day. Perfect.
1 comment:
What a great way to start your spring cleaning. If I want to really REALLY, clean something. I pick a fight with somebody. (somebody's name is Wayne) Nothing puts me in the mood to clean more than being angry. The madder I am, the faster and deeper I clean. If I wasn't so easy going, I'd have a much tidier house.
I'll have to try Mozart. I like songs I can dance to or maybe Barbara Streisand. I just crank on the stero and boogaloo my way through the rooms, sweeping, dusting, polishing, and pretending that I can sing.
Now that the kids are grown and not tracking mud and leaving dirty dishes, toys and tennis shoes all over the house, it's pretty easy to keep clean.... and KEEPING a house clean is so much easier than GETTING a house clean. But,l have to admit, I do kind of miss sticky fingerprints on the french doors and empty milk bottles in the fridge.
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