Wednesday, March 12, 2008

If you trusted Romney, trust his advice.

A great deal of people in my circle of family & friends were quite disappointed when Romney dropped out of the race. Later that week I bought a Newsweek magazine that featured an article about John McCain. I had read lots of information about Romney and felt good about his bid for presidency based on the person and politician he was, not merely on the fact he shared the same religious preference as me. So, when my favorite candidate was no longer an option, it was time to start learning about the other candidates. I won't go into what I learned about John McCain or how I feel about him because that could get lengthy & if you are interested, there are plenty of publications out there you can trust in finding your own information about the candidate you might vote for. But, I wanted to share this article I read this morning where Mit Romney shares his advice & opinions on John McCain against Clinton or Obama. And I feel if you trusted Romney before to be president, you can also trust his words, advice, experience & opinions on the candidate we should take a serious look at.

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