Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New What?!

Welcome to what we like to call 'Mom had strep-3 kids on Christmas vacation-2 babies running amuck-Dad's doing his best-Dad's getting sick too-quick trip to Granny & Gramps-drop & run make the most of our last day of Daddy's leave-now it's Mom's job to make it all better'.  

Hope you had a wonderful holiday too.


D, A, B, Z, and Ak said...

I bet you aren't regretting hanging onto all that stuff you put on Freecycle before Christmas,huh?!?! It would just add to the mayhem! Hang in there!!! Your house looks like the rest of ours!!!

Anonymous said...

Aaaah the holdiays. Gotta love it.

Chandi said...

hee hee hee hee hee.......I can't help but laugh. I'm glad you didn't miss out on any fun with the family just to clean the house though. Houses can cleaned anytime. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.