Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kitchen Challenge Revisited

No excuses to give about why it's taken me so long, but I'm not going to be a quitter!! I tackled quite a bit yesterday: utensil drawers, linen cupboard, appliance cabinet, food cupboards, spice cabinet! The thing I'm happiest about? Getting rid of all the stuff I never used or didn't like. It feels so good to purge.

My Rules in Letting Go:
If you have not used it in the last month in 30 + days of cooking, you don't need it.
If you have not eaten it yet and it's expires, get rid of it.
If you have fabric napkins, but you haven't once used them, pass them along.
If it's an appliance you used once at Christmas, get rid of it. You'll figure out how to do without it next Christmas.

When it comes to utensil drawers, containers are key! I found out I also liked keeping my metals & plastics separated. If you can't do that due to limited drawers, containers would be a great way to make it happen. Think about how much fun someone else might have using that quesadilla maker or rice steamer! Because they surely aren't seeing any action at my house!

If you too have let go of the challenge in recent weeks - join me & pick it back up again!!! I think we might go for the office/desk area as our next challenge. What do you think?


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Anonymous said...

I'm feeling a bit lazy right now. You are incredible. 5 kids and still time to organize.

wispy willow said...

Allright!!! Good for you!! I personally think that tidy surroundings are the first step toward creativity. I relax and let my ideas flow much more when I'm not surrounded by clutter.

It's kind of difficult for me to get to the "chuck it out" mentality
It feels almost heartless. But, the after taste is yummy!!!